One of the key requirements for almost every technical device is its reliable, safe and economical operation. All these requirements can only be fulfilled by the appropriate choice of the individual elements of a technical device and their appropriate constructional arrangement concept. The choice of the elements of a technical device and their constructional arrangement must be done as a matter of priority when designing it, and with respect to maximization of the operation reliability and safety. At the same time, its operation should also be economically efficient while preserving the required functions and operating parameters given by technical conditions for the given type of a technical device. Operating parameters of a technical device must be optimized due to its economical operation. The aim of this paper is therefore to describe the process of choosing a favourable operating mode of the melting furnace KOV 010/1998 for melting of Aluminium alloy AlSi7Mg0.6 based on the optimization of its operating parameters. The optimization was focused mainly on achieving as short time as possible for a single melting cycle with the lowest possible natural gas consumption.